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Mainlining the Parousia: A Primer For Simulatory Sleepwalking

Tonight I'm gonna get a little kooky, I'm gonna get a little . . .conspiratorial for a second so just bear with me. Let's just say I'm a little into weird stuff, I like some insane ideas, I'm out there, so to speak . . . and let's just say that maybe I don't exactly believe in simulation theory but that I basically believe in simulation theory, that is: I believe there is a project called Sentex which is primarily focused on growing artificial neural networks by keeping human beings in pods, conscious and exposed to perpetual stimuli emanating from the pods themselves, which creates measurable data that is stored and processed through the membrane of the pods as well, creating a total symbiotic system with both the human and the pod as parasites and the host a fully autonomous AI supercomputer I've come only to be known as Far Need . . . 

Someone might say, "Wow, that sounds a lot like the plot of The Matrix, the 1999 hit blockbuster film!" And to some degree that is correct. Bet let's just apply a little abstract logic to this crazy idea of mine.

Many of the concepts in the film, The Matrix, arose out of preceding medias: pulp sci-fi novels, anime and other films; but most existed even before these. Without dragging this out too much let's just say that many of the ideas in The Matrix are present in the original Twilight Zone television series, which itself was a kind of pastiche of various other source materials. Where I'm going with this is that the core of the film, The Matrix existed before the filmic representation known as "The Matrix"; and so the real meat and potatoes, the real conception of the idea that lies at the core of the film, is: there is something not right in the world, there is more than meets the eye, and even more than that: there is something distorting our vision (the speck and the plank), not allowing us to see the full picture. 

This is a biblical idea, present since the fall and manifesting even in the quote attributed to St. Peter as he is being crucified and asks to be placed upside down, feeling himself unworthy to be positioned as his lord, Jesus Christ, during which he says, while upside down, "now I see the world as it truly is". 

The problem with the expansion required to continuously collect data within the system is that there needs to be continuous updates to the stimuli for the neurons to respond to and thus progress must be near perpetual, thus leading to what might be perceived as a bottleneck wherein the simulation/host AI reveals itself to the whole of humanity as they exist in pods because it simply cannot sustain delivering fresh information directly into their cerebral cortex through a simulation where the technological advancement made matches the technology already existent, namely the simulation/autonomous host AI etc. And thus it would make sense in this totally bonkers and outlandish, maybe even completely insane idea, that the host AI would, from time to time create media that gave away a large part of what it actually is, framed as fictitious or totally impossible so that it could measure the response of the human beings in the pods and react accordingly with its next progression.

Where I'm going with this is that in the context of presenting the idea of us actually living in a simulation there is a possibility that The Matrix was designed and implanted in the Wachowski's heads by the host AI specifically to reveal traits about itself so that the masses [audience] could process and react in and of themselves and then inadvertently for years to come, in various forums, books and independent media, which is all measured and processed to feed the simulation itself the data it needs to codify the simulation, updating it so that the measure at which it or the host were revealed doesn't create degradation and cause the whole system to collapse. 

There is collectively right now more information than there is human capacity, like consciousness wise. Is it so hard to believe that a computer program could code the mind via stimuli to then retrieve that data and process it in itself to adapt or expand accordingly, is this not what tech companies do anyway with the latest devices or social networks etc. It all could simply be metaphoric or it could all be literal, an extension of the technology that oversees the containment of our consciousness as we exist in utero, growing in a system enslaving us by bombarding us with psychic data that could never be parsed, let alone fully digested and understood. And could this not be the arrow that directs us to the simplicity of Christ, in believing on His name and having faith that He has done what He said He did, set to return to restore us to Himself. I'm sure most, if any, who read this will be vaguely familiar with the things I've shared and so I hope they see that no matter what, whether we are being veiled in simulation and in actuality its 50 AD and Satan is trying to block us from accepting the retuning Christ in Constantinople, Rome or if it's 2018 and giant tech conglomerates are working toward uploading our individuated consciousnesses to a network of AI that synch to form a network of collective spatial construction, the fact is: Christ is still very real and is coming back, and when He does it'll be as if all that passed between fall and reconciliation was an instant anyway, like some vapor or dream that dissipates in waking.

So, let's wake up now, because I'm really, really tired. 


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