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Uncovered Trump Quote Will Change Your View On Him Forever

"I have the biggest brain, believe me folks. I'm not a moron, because my brain is yuge. You
will never see Hillary Clinton with a brain this big, because her brain is small like a dog, or
a black person. My yuge brain is the biggest, it's the greatest folks, it really is, I can make
anybody in my moronic voter base agree with whatever my big boy brain says, because I
am a white man with the best genes - the very best! I have never seen a brain like my own,
and believe me I have looked at many, so so so many, brains. I'm a serial killer nutjob clown
owned by Russia and I rape women then kill them and dissect their tiny brains. Guess what
folks, their brains are so puny, like walnuts banging around in their skulls... bing bang boom
boom bing bong bing ping pong ding a long dingaroo dee doo doop.. It's no good folks, it's
like those trade deals in China, unfair bigly, almost as big as my brain! Did I mention that I'm
so rich? Sure my dad - a KKK leader with a history of racism and sexism just like me - gave me
a billion dollars to start my business, but for me that is just a tiny          loan, besides, now I'm
getting so much more money from Russia. Let's MAGA, believe me       I have a bigly brain."


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