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Soundcloud Rap Is America's New National Anthem

America, it's time to do a little soul searching. It's time we had a talk with each other. Let's lean in and take a long hard look at the world around us in North America. What do we see? Soundcloud rap. That's right soundcloud rap is everywhere and everything in the United States of America. Don't believe it? Take a harder look. A clear soundcloud rap picture emerges from each portion of AmeriKWAn society.

Lil Peep represents upper middle class white men. His songs like Crybaby and Star Shopping speak to a class of males who have no opportunity and yet are surrounded by the success of their more fortunate, connected peers, you may call them normies if you wish. Left with no positive outlets and a lack of community -- an issue addressed in Charles Murray's brilliant treatise Bowling Alone -- they turn to drugs and antisocial behaviors like face tattoos and loitering along with sexually promiscuous thrill seeking even resorting to unnatural bisexuality in order to chase a new high.

xxxtentacion represents the classic striver black male, who seeks to better himself and shows amazing aptitude, grit, and versatile creativity that reveals a lust for life that's simply breathtaking. Like so many in the urban community, the best and brightest are often pulled into lives of crime and social disorder that is promoted amongst their peers. Sadly, this black mark on the African community often haunts the well meaning youths, and follows them long after they reach success -- eventually overpowering and destroying them, as xxxtentacion was shot to death in a robbery gone wrong by fans of Drake in a superstitious full moon murder ritual.

The $uicideBoy$ are a classic case of flyover white America. Two poor white boys forced to fend for themselves and self medicate with downers and uppers and lefters and righters like adderall, meth, opium, and heroin along with xanax to cope with their hopeless surroundings. As seen in their lyrics they have lost all hope as their psyches have been crushed in their horrible youths. Now they roam the streets of contemporary adulthood bemoaning their substance abuse and despair, like tortured haunted souls. One has to wonder if they will become yet another statistic like Lil Peep or fall prey to violence like xxxtentacion.

In a society as broken and fragmented as America's, something like soundcloud rap emerges as a frightening mosaic of life... dare we look at it long enough to consider its meaning?


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