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The Saturnian Panopticon and the Uto-Myopic View of Flat-Earth Simulation and Dimensional-Control

0. Science will be used to encapsulate the tautology of fields within science itself so as to not necessitate the naming of several distinct inter-connected fields of it as such
1. Science is the interpretation of individual observations made manifest as collective consciousness when enough data has accumulated to support a symbiotic linguistic-simulatory system
2. The foundational element of science is putting abstracts into mathematical properties and composing a theory that becomes consensus over time through its explanation in language and its presentation in simulations
3. Consensus does not equate to "fact", it simply means enough people trust the theory represents the closest possible set of actualities that "exist" or "existed"
4. With enough time consensus becomes "fact" in so far as it is innately accepted given generational inheritance of information as such as it is presented by science itself
5. Since the invention of constructive written language and the printing press, and eventually the exponential growth of the technologies allowing near instantaneous transmittance of information to the wider public, these systems of presentation have grown easier, and yet there is more complexity because of the continual accumulation of data
5. All information needs to be made public for consensus, which means that whatever happens within science eventually makes its way into the "public" sphere, that is: it is available, even if the majority of the public is only vaguely aware of it or not aware of its existence at all; or is, thusly, not able to deduce what any of it means in its complexity of presentation/continuous accumulatory state 
6. The complexity of science lies in its language, not in the accumulation of that language or the simultaneously running simulations, which also perpetually accumulate as they are coded and reprogrammed with the arising data to better represent the data [code]
7. In this way science creates a continually growing lexicon, systematized to match the simulations, each growing simultaneous to the other because the lexicon is itself the code, so to speak, or is: codified with the mathematical properties to be easily translatable from the linguistic to simulatory
8. Science is thus a language that can be learned, translated and made simplified because it is a codification for running simulations, the best of the possible representations for its data dissemination
9. Then also it could be said that given the right space the data itself could be coded directly to a host, an individual, a body of people etc., since its the abstract mathematical properties are its nature and to some extent so is the basic functions of the human brain
10. Thusly we arrive at the basis for my argument that science runs parallel not just to filmic concepts, but computational simulatory concepts. That is: the totality of a scientific theory, in its basest form, could be transmitted directly into an individual for them to consent to its acceptance in the wider sphere
11. To some degree we see this transference in school and on television all the time: young, elastic minds are fed tons of information through images and simplified linguistic concepts to get an idea of "what they're seeing" when they look [up at the sky]
12. The problem is that's not what anyone sees: what the see is a kind of canopy of light or dark, clouds or reflections from supposedly distant bodies called "stars" in science's lexicon 
13. The only referrants for anyone not directly involved in the accumulation of data are those seen through a telescope or existing information/simulations [photos, computer generated representations etc.]
14. It could also be said that science itself, in its research, has only these same tools to accumulate all the data they disseminate, although a much more technical set obviously
2. In this way science in and of itself admits to being fiction of sorts, in that just like with film it is constructing images for the sake of representing things that theoretically could be possible given a set of conditions
9. The things represented in science simulations are not actualities, nor are they established conditions
10. In this way science puts up a green screen with what is known [we exist in some form on some natural body that follows laws according to a system] in front of it and projects what it believes or wants to be believed is an actuality behind it, whether it be the Big Bang or the existence of Saturn etc.
11. Once what is is established, the rest can be told like a fiction, played like a fully edited film; given the conditions that exist [some semblance of a shared reality between entities, a space for those entities to exist] and the amount of time since the first observations were made to "now" the amount of data is so great and the technological advancement so exponential that I'm not sure how it could be seen as impossible that the very data science presents in linguistic-simulatory fashion, could be projected onto the actual space of the shared reality, that is: that the space itself could be, to some extent, a simulation of the data codified to present an image or consensus of fact
12. In this way science wouldn't even be "lying" to people in so far as it is still presenting the data, although in its purest codified form, to the public for consensus of its existence. Think of it like one of those signs that are mandated by the city to be placed in restaurants that have a bunch of information but are usually tucked way back and behind a picture or something so mostly no one notices them . . . 
13. With this as the basic idea things like time, dimension and the actuality of things outside our own awareness get called into question as actual or fictional
14. Remember there has to be some sort of actual space and us within that space, but everything else, theoretically, could be projection of representations given specific codifications and the accumulatory nature of the data as it is coded simultaneous to its discovery
15. If we pull back to observe the total progression of man from fall to today what we see is a willingness to be tempted into believing in "knowledge", to which science places itself as the cornerstone, so to speak: creating, in and of itself, the abstract church it sometimes vehemently opposes and seems coincidently to want to disprove, or feels itself to have already disproven the existence of.
16. From this observational standpoint what we also find is that what we know is through our observations, which is the foundation of the scientific method
17. With the idea of the "green screen" and projections [simulations] fresh in our minds lets try to imagine that at the moment of the fall of man, when man became totally free willed and autonomous, apart from God, a sequence was begun. The sequence doesn't need to be thought of as chronological or synchronous because remember: the serpent was able to gain some "control" over man insofar as it could tempt them into going against God and thus creating the whole "new" sequence 
18. In this sequence where the beginning is man being tempted into knowledge and accepting that they will be given that knowledge Genesis could be seen as man's promethean moment, where they rebelled and ate and saw and were cast out etc. But its also the promethean moment of Lucifer; as we know Lucifer was an angel and wanted to be more than he was, his want of the creative power and originality of God got him cast out of Heaven and now he is the prince of the power of the air here on our plane. These two things converge . . . 
19. There convergence lies in both parties [man and Lucifer's] temptation to seek knowledge, man can only seek knowledge in and of himself and his environment [this includes God] and Lucifer, being prince of earth, can only really seek knowledge of man, of his spiritual/mental/physical characteristics. 
20. Proposition (19) becomes all the more frightening when we consider there are two basic currents of science: there is the spatial/cosmological element and then another focused purely on technological, with an overlap in the psycho-physiological make up of man's brain/"mind", thus: AI, robotics etc. 
21. Seen from this perspective you should be getting a pretty good idea why a fully-immersive simulation projected onto whatever space we occupy could be useful: if your only target is to get a full window into the spirit of man through driving him to extremes at the individual level and recording the data you turn the entire population into a control group by synching the data retrieved to a network of devices you offer man as advances in man's ability to gain knowledge/power over himself: advances in communication, connectability etc. 
22. Also keep in mind that in this theoretical situation time itself is an illusion commodified to give another level of measurability and that in actuality there is only a single instant from which an infinite amount of occurrences have already aligned since God still oversees the whole thing, that is: He is in control even with Lucifer and man functioning as autonomous, free willed beings . . . 
23. To save myself the blasphemy I'll just try to make it clear that I in no way am implying that God the Father is in cohorts with Lucifer to trick man continuously into believing in an ever adapting simulation that changes with the progress made in understanding man at a fundamental level in an effort to buy their souls, only that we each become free and autonomous in the garden the day man ate of the tree and since then God has provided materials and circumstances to redirect us to Himself out of His love and mercy 
24. So how does this tie into anything pertaining to Saturnian bases housing fifth-dimensional beings and transmissions etc.
a. At a fundamental level since we've all been existent in an immersive game theoretic where the rules were established sometime in the "19th Century" the whole thing at the surface is a "fiction", we're being maneuvered through a kind of two-dimensional space where each chance we get to turn to God we instead seek out a new experience, some idea we have or some experience we must "grow" from, this sustains the game Lucifer established and any thing that arises is quantified within the actual data because in some sense the whole thing is an eternal "multiversal"/inter dimensional battle between good and evil 
25. The good news is that we already know the beginning [God created everything that is in the Heavens and Earth] and the ending [Jesus returns to vanquish Lucifer and his minions to reestablish a new Kingdom], this is why we the Word tells us to focus literally all the energies we have control over [heart, soul and mind] on Him; because anything else could be the false light coming through an aperture that veils your perception
26. "At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split" Matthew 27:51
27. "I say unto you, Hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man" John 1:51


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