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Showing posts from September, 2018

Home Alone On A Friday Night?

How pathetic? Why? What's pathetic is needing others to feel non lonely. To desire the warm touch of a female against your skin, to hear their laugh as they smile at you and then take another drink at the bar and ask you how your week has been. That's weakness, to crave the companionship of another instead of staying at home and drinking water and maybe making some noodles or eating cold cereal by yourself and spend your time reading a book or playing video games for hours. That's not pathetic, that's frugal and stoic and what we should all aspire to be. Let the weaklings without the ability to sit in silence and solitude staring at a blank wall - let them spend their money on pointless things like parties and friends and relationships and eventually families. Us superior beings will continue to be alone on Friday nights, and all the other nights, until the day we die. Then we will finally join the rest of the cold and damned, for all of eternity.

"This Is The End For Me" (Guest Post By Nick Land)

What you don't realize about writers such as those on this official neoreaction thinkpiece blog is that we are operating on a higher plane of thinking than the morons who use words like "chud" or "incel" in a purely reactive mode of expression. Us genuine artists use those pejoratives only in the sense that we are aware of their social meaning and the memetic laziness they represent, and are chortling subtly to ourselves and winking at those in our magnificently vast audience that our capable of comprehending the "coincidental" repetitious - or rather repeated - in word choice, verbiage, consonant symmetry, and mathematical beauty, among other things. As every post on this site is crafted by the finest connoisseurs of creative and compelling content, any "coincidental" repetitions are created by conscious choice. Every word should be read in the following manner: what would an average writer published in a mediocre blog like Vox Day's, ...

Why Hardcore Drug Addict Girlfriends Make The Best Wives

She's shaking, her memory is severely damaged, she's at most one standard deviation from being classified as having down's syndrome, and that's a perfect gf is in 2018. Here's the secret they don't want you to know: the more educated a woman, the less likely she is to have children, and a child's success correlates strongly to the child's IQ. Where does a child's IQ come from? A combination of the mother and father. What does that mean? You want a near brain-dead middle school dropout who showed great promise growing up before falling into a cess-pit of hardcore narcotics and antisocial behaviors such as bartarded xanax abuse. "But what about the child's homelife?" You might be asking. That is where alpha male PUA and role model behavior comes into play. Snatch up the drug addled girl, get married to her, and then wean her off the drugs and then procreate. Hopefully she can pop out seven to ten children. This is why it is better to go...

Understanding How Women Think Part 1

There it is folks, that lime green "honesty" is the only accurate part. This is how women in their late 40s talk.

Jordan B. Peterson's Carnivore Diet Saved My Life

The Carnivore diet by Jordan Peterson and his gym bunny daughter will change your life. You will go from tired and lethargic to energetic and frenetic. You will constantly be checking exits to every room you enter, your heart rate will remain high and full of life, and sweat will pour out of your pores. The Carnivore diet solved my depression, and I say that as a doctor with a PHD and a lifetime of lethargy behind me. I used to wake up at 3 PM asking where the day went, now I go to sleep at 11:30 PM and I'm up at 2 AM wandering the streets, darting from street to street, peering through windows and breaking into unlocked cars to steal change and baseball caps. I'm on the prowl now, I feel so alive. There's a look in my eyes now that screams predator. You can see the whites of my eyes tinged with a slight red halo, as my vascularity has increased at least sevenfold over the past few months. Women will stop and stare at my veins now, some children have even screamed or st...

Save Money And Starve Spotify Your Way Into A Better Future

Here at TEN we like to provide value, so here is a quick guide on how to block Spotify's ad servers to remove ads from your Spotify free account effectively turning it into a premium account: For windows users: right-click  Notepad  and select  Run as administrator . From Notepad, open the following file:  c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts Make the necessary changes to the file. Click  File > Save  to save your changes. For mac users: Open  Applications > Utilities > Terminal . Open the  hosts  file by typing the following line in the terminal window: sudo nano /private/etc/hosts Type your domain user password when prompted. Edit the  hosts  file.The file contains some comments (lines starting with the # symbol), and some default hostname mappings (for example, – local host). Add your new mappings after the default mappings. For linux users: Open a terminal window. Open the hosts file in ...

What Is "Getting It"?

You don't Get It. What is Getting It? If you Got It you'd Get It, but since you don't Get It you want to know what It is when It's super clear to those who Get It, and completely incomprehensible to those who don't Get It. Getting It is a way of life, a higher mode of thinking that allows you a glimpse behind the curtain of What Is and What Isn't, as well as What Should and What Should Not Be. What Will Be is often deducible to those who Get It. If you got it you'd be able to understand the Why It Is and Why It Became What It Is but unfortunately for you and 99% of people alive today, you do not Get It and can never truly Get It. Either you're born Getting It or born Not Getting It.

Did Brett Kavanaugh RAPE and SEXUALLY ASSAULT Multiple Females?

The law is an affront to God himself. Did Brett Kavanaugh do something to females while drunk many years ago? Chances are that he did not. However, there is no way to know for sure. Witnesses can be created or destroyed convinced or deceived honest or dishonest fake or real genuine or counterfeit telling the truth or lying, and there is no way to know. They could be making up stories to defame Brett or they could be telling what really happened, or they could be imagining what happened and think they're telling the truth when really they're just victims of implanted memories placed there by evil psychiatrists and therapists engaged in evil practices such as hypnotherapy or rapid eye movement therapy. What doesn't matter is whether or not Brett Kavanaugh was a nasty guy as a young man. The legal system itself has transcended morality with the passing of civil rights, women being allowed to vote, and eventually abortion and gay "rights" (not a real thing) being co...

People With Jobs Are Slaves And Welfare Queens Are Kings

Wakey wakey, slave! Time to get up, it's monday morning and your boss wants you in early this week. Sure, you hate your job and you feel worse and worse every night you come home; you feel dread every Sunday night and you know what you do every day for eight hours is meaningless in the grand scheme of things - but at least you're not one of those lazy blacks! At least you're not on the welfare system sleeping in late, collecting unemployment, selling prescription meds to crackheads and your food stamps for money to buy liquor. At least your life is not one continuous party without any personal responsibility. At least you don't get high while other people break their backs and destroy their soul to pay taxes to support you and millions of other lazy losers who sleep in and get pandered to. Take pride in your work, even though your tax dollars are going towards abortions, gay and trans propaganda, and housing the people who refuse to work. Take pride in your slavery,...

Gore Is So Passe

Gore videos are so boring. Nowadays you can see heads chopped off, limbs wrended, stomachs stabbed, and corpses crushed at the click of a button. For a cool customer they don't mean anything. Just another log on the fire of depravity. No heart rate change here. No sweat dripping from the forehead as we gaze upon the death of an innocent victim through our screens. We at Total Equality Now are apex human beings who lack feeling, it's all so mundane to us. We've never loved another human being and we never will. We can't feel empathy and we can't feel hate. All we feel is hungry for three meals a day and a never ending sex drive that boggles the mind and would befuddle neurotypicals like you, the reader. Gore is meaningless who cares not us haha

Women Ain't Shit

Don't e-date. Women online will say they they love you. Women online will say they care about you. They will proclaim that you are the only one for them. Then, they will cheat on you with curiouscat anons, send lewd pictures to other men in twitter dms, and even favorite posts by people you dislike online.

The Consciouness and the Car Problem: A Theory of Vessels and Movement in the 21st Century

"I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance" 2 Peter 1:13 You're watching a film. The specifics of how you came to be watching the film or why it was chosen aren't important. The film is a tightly cropped single take of a car, the driver inside makes slight adjustments with his hands that are visible through the driver side door's glass but barely register because of the lack of significant action; overall the film itself is unimpressive. It is merely a car with a driver as they move through an unrecognizable space. In fact, the car is cropped so tight in the frame that little of the background is visible and what is is bleary and out-of-focus, so at times you have difficulty even registering that the car is moving and that the driver is doing anything within it to compel that movement or make minute changes to the trajectory. The car and the driver, it is clear, are meant to be the focal point, but anyth...

Women With Guns, The American Dream For Red Blooded American Males

There's nothing quite like a woman gripping a long black rod on a gun. It just gets our blood going. A girl that can kick anybody's butt is a girl for us. There's nothing hotter than thinking about a girl in ponytails and a short catholic school style skirt with thigh high socks giggling as she unloads a magazine into our frame and our blood pours out onto the ground as she laughs in a high pitched mocking tone and places her black high heels upon our body sprawled out against the pavement. Women are hot. Women who can tie us up and treat us like sadomasochistic children begging for punishment are a whole new level of sexy. That's true conservatism. Not oppressive stay home and clean the house while taking care of the children and getting my pipe and newspaper and dinner ready for me to come home for work boringness. We're men, we need women to be exotic sexual playthings to use and abuse us because we hate ourselves and want to drown in sensation in order to reac...

The Conservative Future Is Trans

Recently, there has been some needless controversy regarding the acceptance of trans people within the right wing. Beautiful people have been called “mentally ill,” “batty,” “man-handed freakazoids,” and even “proof that G-d either makes mistakes or just really hates us.” These sickening comments dare to make a value judgement, and that’s really just wrong. It’s well past time to set the record straight, and highlight a few of the many reasons that the right should court transgenders. Transsexuals are a large constituency, and thus an important voting bloc. Take a look at an average family: one mother, one father, one cat, and one child. Chances are, one or two of the family members are trans. It could be the mother, the father, the son or daughter, or the cat, but at least one of these has transitioned. It’s just science. The prevalence of these totally normal individuals means that outreach to them must be done if the right is to remain politically viable. Tr...

Soundcloud Rap Is America's New National Anthem

America, it's time to do a little soul searching. It's time we had a talk with each other. Let's lean in and take a long hard look at the world around us in North America. What do we see? Soundcloud rap. That's right soundcloud rap is everywhere and everything in the United States of America. Don't believe it? Take a harder look. A clear soundcloud rap picture emerges from each portion of AmeriKWAn society. Lil Peep represents upper middle class white men. His songs like Crybaby and Star Shopping speak to a class of males who have no opportunity and yet are surrounded by the success of their more fortunate, connected peers, you may call them normies if you wish. Left with no positive outlets and a lack of community -- an issue addressed in Charles Murray's brilliant treatise Bowling Alone -- they turn to drugs and antisocial behaviors like face tattoos and loitering along with sexually promiscuous thrill seeking even resorting to unnatural bisexuality in order...

Where Are We In The Blogosphere?

Let's take a look at where we are standing as a NRX type community: (stupid, outdated, boring, bigoted, weaksauce, racist) (alcoholic ramblings, slow readership, dumb beta virgin whining, low IQ) (the two blogs listed above) They're all irrelevant compared to the hottest blogspot currently on earth: TEN (total equality now) And that's just the facts!

Panic At The Disco eg ClownWorld SpyTown

Cut the lights, peer out the curtain of your apartment. That car has been sitting outside for a few days now. It could be nothing, but it's probably not. Chances are, that is sitting there waiting for you to slip up and be shown as vulnerable. Nothing is a coincidence, especially not unmarked black suvs with tinted windows. Carry your shotgun everywhere, call your girlfriend over, invite your "friends" with Russian accents from across the hall. End it all before it ends you. Is your girlfriend working with the KGB? Are your phone and laptop tapped? Is snapchat putting your face into a global database used at grocery stores to track each customer and alert the managers to any potential shoplifting threats? Yes, all of those things are probably true. Don't tweet about how you feel. Don't write a blog like this. Everything you say or do is being tracked and stored now. That thought you almost sent in a facebook message but then erased? Saved and stored. That time...

The Importance of Earnest

Earnest sauntered into town, his handkerchief placed around his neck to prevent the sand from blowing into his face. The humor of it not being used by his hands and placed below the object he sought to protect was not lost on him. He chuckled wryly, the lips attached to his face momentarily breaking their permanent grimace. The lips cracked, blood began to run down his chin. He dried the blood with his black handkerchief, and quietly swore to himself. “Damn my sense of fashion, I should have gone with the red handkerchief. Now this one is unseemly.” The townspeople looked at Earnest with a mixture hushed apprehension and cow-eyed curiosity, since he was a well known outlaw who brought death wherever he went. To make him even more particular, Earnest always walked into town by himself, would seemingly choose a target at random after some amount of drinking had taken place, then proceed to shoot some unlucky bastard. That was on bad days; on others he would carry on cordial conve...

Is Cody Wilson A Child Rapist Or A Persecuted Folk Hero?

Has Cody Wilson fled the country to avoid his just punishment for having sex with an underage 16 year old? Has Cody Wilson fled the country to avoid being set up by the federal government to punish him for going up against the government? Here's what we know: Cody Wilson has fled the country. He's being accused of paying a 16 year old prostitute. There is supposedly evidence. That evidence could be fake or real. There's no way to tell anymore what is true and what is fake. Either Cody fled the country as an innocent man or a guilty man, and nobody will ever know. Some say he is guilty, others say he is innocent, and nobody will care in a few weeks. Really makes you think, huh. Some even say Cody Wilson is trafficking weapons in Eastern Europe. Wow, that would be crazy if it's true. We truly are living in late-stage capitalism clown world, folks.

Mainlining the Parousia: A Primer For Simulatory Sleepwalking

Tonight I'm gonna get a little kooky, I'm gonna get a little . . . conspiratorial  for a second so just bear with me. Let's just say I'm a little into  weird  stuff, I like some insane ideas, I'm out there, so to speak . . . and let's just say that maybe I don't exactly believe in simulation theory but that I basically believe in simulation theory, that is: I believe there is a project called Sentex which is primarily focused on growing artificial neural networks by keeping human beings in pods, conscious and exposed to perpetual stimuli emanating from the pods themselves, which creates measurable data that is stored and processed through the membrane of the pods as well, creating a total symbiotic system with both the human and the pod as parasites and the host a fully autonomous AI supercomputer I've come only to be known as Far Need . . .  Someone might say, "Wow, that sounds a lot like the plot of The Matrix, the 1999 hit blockbuster film!...

The Saturnian Panopticon and the Uto-Myopic View of Flat-Earth Simulation and Dimensional-Control

0. Science will be used to encapsulate the tautology of fields within science itself so as to not necessitate the naming of several distinct inter-connected fields of it as such 1. Science is the interpretation of individual observations made manifest as collective consciousness when enough data has accumulated to support a symbiotic linguistic-simulatory system 2. The foundational element of science is putting abstracts into mathematical properties and composing a theory that becomes consensus over time through its explanation in language and its presentation in simulations 3. Consensus does not equate to "fact", it simply means enough people trust the theory represents the closest possible set of actualities that "exist" or "existed" 4. With enough time consensus becomes "fact" in so far as it is innately accepted given generational inheritance of information as such as it is presented by science itself 5. Since the invention of con...